Putin adds new followers on Linkedin


Congratulate Vladimir Putin on being nominated for the prestigious ‘Despots of the Century’ association. The Russian leader, through his PR agency Ketchum, announced he is ‘pleased’ by his nomination and will ‘stop at nothing’ to insure his place among the top despots of the century.

A recent public relations victory by Ketchum helped Putin place a widely read and discussed New York Times op-ed last September that criticized President Obama because of a possible strike on Syria. “Brilliant” said North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, if I could write, I would have done the same.”

“The man has worked toward this goal for a long time. His successful ‘election’ to the Presidency while a constitutionally mandated term limit made him select his successor who then stepped down while Putin became prime Minister and once again President was a brilliant and truly despotic maneuver. We should have tried it a few times.” Karl Rove.

The extended family of Pol Pot, a Cambodian dictator who killed almost 2 million in his country during the infamous Killing Fields cheered his nomination but cautioned, “He’s got a long way to go to reach the heights of a Bashar Al Assad or a Moammar Qaddafi. We wish him well.”

A recent update on Putin’s Linkedin profile shows him invading and taking over a neighboring country in record time and with little loss of life.

“His move to invade so soon after appearing with world leaders at the Sochi Olympics was superb timing” said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Putin has added many Linkedin followers in Crimea and hopes to add the rest of Ukraine as well. If you back out the residents of Sochi who are still smarting from lack of services, clean water and decent roads he has as many followers as the entire Russian population.

At least he has a shirt on
At least he has a shirt on