Billy Corben live ‘On the Record and Off the Wall’ Monday 10AM

We are proud to welcome to our Nov. 5th show ‘On the Record and Off the Wall’ a deep background interview format, the unique and talented yet unassuming Billy Corben who will regale us with an update on his film career and a full range of politically relevant and intelligent thought.

Fasten your seat belts for this one!

Billy is a full on supporter of all that has made Florida great…and infamous.

His long time producing partner Alfred Spellman: (In an interview with Indie Wire) “Miami was a good place to be if you wanted to be a homicide detective, a medical examiner or a news reporter.” Their films have brought to light an in -depth view of the sometimes harsh underbelly of our slice of paradise. As an award winning director who, along with Alfred Spellman has entertained and educated us with….

Cocaine Cowboys, Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded, the U, The U Part 2, The Tanning of America, Raw Deal, Play Hard, Clubland, Dawg Fight, Square Grouper, Limelight and Screwball!

Billy: “Documentary film-making involves two basic steps: Find a great story… and don’t (screw) it up.”

Monday 10AM

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