A fly in the debate ointment

During the Vice-Presidential debate, a fly landed on VP Pence’s hair because it liked the white landing strip. For a little over 2 minutes the fly caught our attention like a person without a mask behind us in a check-out line. It appeared to have one of its legs stuck in the hair gel that […]

Kristina Wong, comedian, Performance Artist and Elected Official ‘On the Record and Off the Wall’ with Buzz 10AM Monday Oct. 5th on joltradio.org

Dynamic, Compassionate and Wickedly Funny!   Kristina Wong is an American comedian known primarily for her work as a solo theater performer, performance artist, and actor. She identifies as a feminist and her work often tackles themes regarding race, sex, and privilege, often in conjunction with the Asian-American experience, through a satirical lens.   Don’t […]

Tele-Dentistry, the Future?

Does tele-medicine work for dentists too? In the very early days of medicine, doctor/barbers used leeches as blood suckers to cure patients. Have we plodded past the point where the leeches have morphed into lobbyists and doctors don’t even have to be in the same room as a patient? Telemedicine is the use of technology […]

What Season are we Tromping Through Now?

 A, summer, B, hurricane, C, election. Answer: all three, but what scares us the most? Politics!  Let’s get hunkered down for the election season. When I say hunkered down, I mean dis-connect all means of communication with the outside world, do not accept your mail, cut the Twitter account and don’t gaze at the nascent […]