‘When harry met Mitchie’

Let’s go behind the scenes of those so called ‘meetings’ about the shut down in the latest installment of ‘When Harry met Mitchie”.

Do they have kind words for each other? Would the Hatfields kiss the McCoys?

Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, “I’m optimistic about the prospect for a positive conclusion if I can get the minority whip to take that whip to McConnell’s butt and drive some sense into it.

Minority leader Mitch McConnell, “I think the desert air in his district has dried up the honorable gentleman like a prune. The only difference between Harry and a prune is that prunes are good for you.”

McConnell and Lamar Alexander huddled for about a half hour with Reid and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. in the Democratic leader’s office. McConnell: “It was just enough time for some basic name calling and an arrangement to meet again.” Reid’s office said, no we didn’t ‘huddle’, huddling means getting close.”

“I hope that our talking is some solace to the American people and to the world,” Reid said afterward. “We did reach an accord as to the topping for the pizza at lunch.”

Meanwhile, on the street, the original organizers of the Million Vet March were upset when the Tea Party marchers co-opted their protest.
On their homepage, the organizers suggest a local organizer invited Tea Party and birther groups “Against our wishes.”

Sarah Palin promised during her speech that she and other conservative public figures would “not be timid in calling out any who would use our military, our vets, as pawns in a political game.” She then did exactly that.

Public Policy Polling, the Democratic automated polling firm found that Congress has only an 8 percent approval rating.

They found that the American public preferred hemorrhoids, cockroaches and toenail fungus to Congress. (true)

60 percent of the surveyed said they have a higher opinion of public radio fundraising drives than they do of Congress. It was found that when the words ‘Congress’ ‘Washington DC’, or ‘Tea party’ are heard on the car radio, people actually put down their smart phones, stop texting and turn the channel.

All is not lost for the law makers. They did poll better than the Ebola virus, Anthony Weiner and Miley Cyrus.

A McConnell spokesman described the talks as “informative.”

A Reid spokesman said “Interesting.”

Senator Chuck Schumer D-NY meets Senator John Barrasso R-WY in an elevator. "It was an accident" said Barrasso, "I never meant to speak with him."
Senator Chuck Schumer D-NY meets Senator John Barrasso R-WY in an elevator. “It was an accident” said Barrasso, “I never meant to speak with him.”
The rest of the country said, “Bullshit!”