Tea Party faithful oppose so called ‘Autumnal Equinox’

“We are not starting this ‘march into winter’ thing every year. It has got to stop” said Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

“I’ve been told that the length of day and night across the globe was the same due to the sun hitting the earth at just the right angle to align its shade perfectly with the Earth’s spin axis. If anyone’s going to spin something around here it’s me.

September starts out okay but toward the end of the month it gets darker and darker every day, and by the time big government foists its ‘daylight savings thing’ on us in October, it doesn’t save daylight, it still gets darker.” If we’ve been ‘saving daylight’ since 1918, where the heck is it? I want to know! Do we get an extra day at the end of the year?

Americans, you know, the ‘good ones’ expect more from their leaders than days with less sunlight. All of a sudden we’ve got very little daylight and here comes Christmas time. Americans need that daylight to shop and celebrate. Christmas is God’s holiday for Americans and we need to uphold those values that got us to where we are today.

I have contacted Lemar Smith, the Chairman of the Science, Space and technology Committee and asked to convene a hearing so we can get our scientists to debunk this stuff about an ‘Autumnal Equinox’ whatever that is.

“Scientists, you know the ones in the white coats who aren’t doctors, are telling us that over the past 24 hours, the Earth has been experiencing its autumnal equinox. I haven’t noticed anything different? Have you?

Whatever their findings are, we have 22 members to the Democrats 18 so we’ll prevail.equinox