Republican leadership promises not ‘to lead’

Will we experience a period of rapprochement from the winning side of the election or will it be the same old stuff?

John Boehner: “Our overwhelming win at the polls will not stop us from challenging President Obama on, well, everything. Even if he tries to make a decision on what to have for breakfast, like sausage for example, we’ll challenge him and bring in the bacon lobby.”

During the post-election White House lunch, Obama asked the Republicans what they’d like to eat and before the words were out of his mouth, they got up and stormed out in protest, coming back when they realized they were asked to make the decision.

Ted Cruz said “Whatever you’re having” knowing full well that he would say no.

Mitch McConnell, the new Senate Majority Leader, says he will not waste time trying to pass meaningful legislation but go after Obamacare again and again until “Every American will in some way be dependent on an emergency room for their care. Not only that, but look at the gas prices today and uh…wait a minute, strike that last comment.”

The least productive Congress in history vowed to be even more unproductive. “If that’s possible” said Ted Cruz. “We’ll certainly do our best to set new records for ennui and lack of involvement in the democratic process.

We’ve been sent here with an overwhelming mandate. We’ll just be the ‘Party of Improvement.’ Literally one in six eligible voters cast a ballot for us. Less than one in six citizens approve of us, and that’s a record we can improve on.

Newly elected Congresspersons aligned with the tea party will take dis-information seminars to train them in the art of un-compromise.

They are:

REP. TOM EMMER (R-MN) –While running for governor in 2010, Emmer didn’t argue that the minimum wage was too low, but rather too high and spearheaded a conservative push to “nullify” Obamacare, an unconstitutional tactic.

REP. BARBARA COMSTOCK (R-VA) – A former lobbyist for the Koch Brothers. She has lobbied for the military contractor Blackwater and the private prison giant GEO Group. In the Virginia House of Delegates, Comstock led the push for a mandatory ultrasound law, which would have originally required women who wanted an abortion, even victims of rape or incest, to first undergo a trans-vaginal ultrasound

REP. GLENN GROTHMAN (R-WI) – This extremist believes that women are paid less because “money is more important for men.” He thinks Martin Luther King Day shouldn’t be a holiday, nor should Kwanzaa because “almost no black people today care about Kwanzaa – just white left-wingers who try to shove this down black people’s throats in an effort to divide Americans.”

REP. ALEX MOONEY (R-WV) –During his stint as state senator, Mooney garnered a virulently anti-gay reputation, warning that LGBT people were attempting to be legally recognized as minorities, according to TPM. He also warned that advocates of gay rights were trying to curb free speech.

REP. KEN BUCK (R-CO) – His extreme views include the belief that being gay is a choice, just like being an alcoholic. He also declared in 2010 that voters should support him because, unlike his female opponent, “I do not wear high heels.” Finally, despite being a heavy military state with thousands of veterans, Buck once called for privatizing their health care.

REP. JODY HICE (R-GA) – According to Hice the more than 100 women in Congress better have permission from their husbands to be there. “If the woman’s within the authority of her husband, I don’t see a problem,” he declared in 2004. He doesn’t believe Muslims should be protected by the First Amendment because Islam is “not” a religion, but rather “a totalitarian way of life with a religious component.” He also believes homosexuality is a choice, states can (unconstitutionally) nullify federal laws like Obamacare, and the cause of the Civil War is still an open debate.

Isn’t that a good reason to dust off your brain and vote?

No change for you!
No change for you!