Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge enjoyed a Brooklyn Nets-Cleveland Cavaliers game during their US tour and engaged in a meet-and-greet with LeBron James afterwards. You would think that someone also known as ‘King James’ would have carte blanch when approaching the Royal couple.
As the trio posed for photographs, James placed his arm around Kate. This simple gesture which James has done millions of times with fans immediately threw Royal watchers and the rest of England into the biggest ‘tizzy’ since chocolate was rationed during WW2. The Tabloids sprang into action faster than an English dentist after a lopsided boxing match.
“It was an egregious breach of etiquette” said the Queen. ‘No one has touched me since 1950 when Princess Anne was born.”
Etiquette expert William Hanson observed, “Americans are much more touchy feely than we Brits. The last time a commoner touched a royal was when Henry VIII had Anne Boleyn beheaded.
Parliament was called into session and a vote to “never visit America again” was taken. Cooler heads prevailed and it was decided to just not mention America if it came up in conversation.
Piers Morgan CNN’s token Brit bellowed, “How dare anyone touch a member of the royal family. You may call yourself King James — you are not a real king! Prince William is going to be my King, that was his wife — hands off the Duchess….Do not touch the royals! Wow that felt good! I thought I was on Fox news for a moment.”
The Duchess shrugged it off and whispered to Prince William, “I kind of like this feeling”