Newest Ben and Jerry’s flavors reflect protest in Washington

Ben & Jerry, the co-founders of a fabulous ice cream that invents new names for their product based on popular trends have been arrested at the U.S. Capitol as part of ongoing protests in Washington about the role of money in politics.

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield took part in protests by a group called Democracy Awakening which is calling attention to the obscene amounts of money circulating in politics today.

The Vermont based company have produced flavors based on the protests starting with:

300 Strong’ It will include 300 separate ingredients, one for each of the demonstrators arrested with them.

Dazed and Confused’, a spin-off of the popular hazel nut flavor “Hazed and Confused’, will represent the consciousness of Congress and contain the dregs scraped from the bottom of the barrel each day.

Just Nuts’ no ice cream, but a quart container filled every kind of nut we could find, which says exactly what the system has become.

‘Just Dough’ contains nothing but dough and only sold under the counter at the most expensive Washington restaurants.

‘Go Phish Yourself’.  This is what congress thinks of you.

The Vermont-based ice cream company’s website says the purpose of the protests is to make sure everyone’s voice is heard “and that power in this country is returned to the people.”

It's 'Just Dough'. What did you expect, 'Go Phish Yourself'?
It’s ‘Just Dough’. What did you expect, ‘Go Phish Yourself’?