Luna Star Cafe and singer/songwriter Michael Weiskopf ‘On the Record and Off the Wall’

‘On the Record and Off the Wall’ is a ‘deep background’ interview show with singer/songwriters and comedians with host Buzz Fleischman on

This coming Monday March 6th we go live at 10AM with Alexis Sanfield, owner of the Luna Star Café, a 1960′ style locally grown coffee house in a living room atmosphere and a place for stimulating conversation by day and live original folk, blues, and jazz music nightly. It’s the grooviest musical scene now in its 21st year. Alexis will talk about its history, artists and why they’re unique as a venue.

We’ll also tell you about the Nashville Songwriters Assn. and what happens when the local group meets at Luna Star on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

Also Michael Weiskopf a singer/songwriter with roots in the 60’s.  Those turbulent times enabled this artist to delve into life with a message for today in a relatable style that is all his own. He’ll bring his guitar and songs into the studio and impart his insights. Go to to learn about this gifted performer. Evan Frankel and maybe even Steve Bass will join us and add to the musicality.

The ‘Off the Wall’ segment has us reveal why yogurt is ‘light and fit’ yet at the same time ‘decadent and fattening’ and we answer the question ‘why is the Earth slowing down and is that better than Justin Bieber running for the Senate. Hear what SCROTUS (So Called Ruler of the U.S.) has to say about past Presidential media bias.

Don’t just listen to ‘breaking news’ listen to us completely smash the hell out of it.

Go to to hear the show and to see the show as well

Michael Weiskopf