Joe’s Hospital and Diner, the diner with the ‘Big Red Cross’.

The 40th attempt at gutting or eliminating the Affordable Care Act by the Tea Party (Motto: We won’t stop until the Federal Government is smaller than our brains) is not working. Neither is Congress.
The 213th Congress is on track to becoming the least productive legislative body in our history.

What can we do? Meet them halfway!

Let’s form partnerships and magnify the benefits. It’s time to combine health care with a nutritional component; Joe’s Hospital and Diner, the diner with the ‘Big Red Cross.’ Talk about value.

The $99.95 special gets you one doctor, a registered waitress and how’s this? Instead of regular anesthetic you’ll get all the beer and wine you can drink and while you’re ‘under’ we’ll let an intern remove any nearby organ for just an additional penny. That’s right! It’s 2 for 1so walk in with any one ailment and get treated for two and there’s no deductible!

Bulletin: We interrupt this humor for a special update……

On October 1st the government needs to pass a ‘continuing resolution’ to fund itself and continue services but according to Senator Ted Cruz R-Tex “We will not vote for a single continuing resolution that funds even a penny of ‘Obamacare.’

What is a ‘continuing resolution? It authorizes government agencies to fund at the current level until either the resolution expires, or an appropriations bill is passed. It neither adds nor subtracts money from the current budget yet some legislators want to block it even though it will hurt people in the legislator’s district. Why? Hey, a statement’s a statement.

The House of Representatives is spending valuable time stroking their egos and here it is August 1st

Not to worry. They have a whole 2 months to get it together. What? They’re going on a five week vacation? Are you kidding?

Alright, calm down, there’s still 3 weeks left in September and huh? There’s only 9 days out of that 3 weeks that they can work on this? 9 days, and they’re leaving for five weeks?

Oh that’s right; they only ‘work’ a total of 4 months of the year calling each other ‘gentlemen’ and not even agreeing to disagree.

Among ultra serious colleagues, Mitch McConnell shows with his hands how small he wants government to be
Among ultra serious colleagues, Mitch McConnell shows with his hands how small he wants government to be

Are they nuts or do they just want to get ‘stroked’ in their gerrymandered districts by the only people who agree with them?