Greenland not for sale…..unless..

Denmark rebuffs the president’s offer to purchase Greenland. Would a rental agreement be best? His proposal was a combination of the joining of a bull-dog and a Shih Tzu.

Greenland, a country with a population of at least 120 people, most of whom are reindeer, rebuffed the offer with an “We’re not interested in selling at this time”. They then said, “But if you can pronounce the names of our 5 municipalities which are, Ujalleq, Qeqertalik, Qeqqata, Sermersooq and Avannaata, we’ll think about it. Hey, just kidding! The answer is still not for a second, which is how long we can stand outside without freezing.”

In a surprise move with the backing of the Danish government, Greenland offered to buy North Dakota from the United States. “It’s a perfect match for us. You already have 2 States with the name Dakota, we only want one of them. It’s got the climate we like and some buffalo herds which are like large reindeer with more hair. If the current population can’t speak Danish, we’ll move them to the other State with the same name. All they have to do is change the ‘north’ to ‘south’ in their address.

When California heard about the proposed deal, California Governor Newsome said, “OMG, take us!”

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