‘Fruity and the beast?’


(Play the circus music now) The clown car has stopped in center ring and is now disgorging its occupants.

‘Fruity’ and the Beast; no, it’s not the latest combo for the Sonic Drive Thru ‘Whacky Pack’ kids meal. This deal might be crazier than 50 cent all day corn dogs. And when did Sarah Palin think her 15 minutes of ‘fame’ was not used up? She ‘endorsed Donald Trump giving him a lift or a rift depending on who’s examining political history here.

In September Trump said he’d love to have Palin in his administration. She expressed interest in serving as Energy Secretary although noting she wanted to eliminate the entire department altogether. This would jive with quitting her Governor’s term halfway through due to “frivolous” ethics complaints against her. “I can see Washington from my back porch” said Palin, “or I hope to soon.”

These two unbridled hawks would have rather gone to bullets than diplomacy when American sailors got picked up by Iranian forces after straying into their waters due to a faulty engine. The administration brought the issue to a peaceful halt within a day with all sailors, boats and equipment returned. The only war here would be journalists trying to make sense of her extreme rantings.

“If the President wasn’t so weak, our defense contractors would have made a ton of money re-arming the military for a war with Iran and this was our opportunity” said Trump. “How can we make America great again without war?”


Will this be ‘act 1’ in the circus to come? Maybe, because on the same day, according to Wasilla police, Palin’s eldest son, Track, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a woman and carrying a gun while intoxicated.

The T-shirt would sell out
The T-shirt would sell out