Peter Betan & Marc Berner ‘On the Record and Off the Wall’ May 21st 10AM Joltradio

We welcome Peter Betan and Marc Berner to ‘On the Record and Off the Wall’ our deep background interview show on

Peter Betan, Marc Berner

They perform a highly stylized form of music, highly melodic, textural and percussive. They produce an acoustic interplay that incorporates elements of jazz, folk and Spanish music genres.

Original artist Peter Betan has played in all performance venues ranging from intimate club settings to musical theaters and festivals. He has opened shows for a slew of musical icons like Bob Dylan, Styx and Richie Havens.

Marc Berner began playing bugle and piccolo, gravitated to the flute and went on to alto saxophone at 19. He later added soprano, tenor and baritone saxophones in addition to alto, bass and contra bass flutes and shakuhachi. Marc’s recording debut was in 1973 with Noel Paul Stookey (Peter, Paul and Mary) on Noel’s Something New and Fresh. 

Based in Miami, Florida since 1983, he has worked and recorded in various musical styles. In 2004 he co-produced his first CD, Wind and Strings for Yoga with guitarist/songwriter Jonathan Dichter.

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