The Washington Revue Review

History was made in Washington this week. No, there was no agreement on anything, (As usual) but Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who has not asked a question from the High Court’s bench nor has he uttered a word since Feb.22nd 2006, actually said 4 of them. One could assume those words were of such importance to him that they would be articulated with finesse and aplomb. What were those ‘gems’ he uttered forth for a waiting legal world to hear? The official record of the Supreme Court noted that they were:
“Well — he did not —” We’ll let you draw your own conclusion.
In other news….
One man’s debt ceiling is another man’s debt floor.
Hey look, what’s that going down the river? It’s our future!!!

What would you do if you were given a credit card with no spending limit? What if there was no parental supervision? Washington has just such a card and they know how to abuse it. It’s like they’ve just gone shopping on 5th Avenue, stepped into Tiffany’s and bought a diamond tiara for every woman in America with enough left over to build a road back to Washington paved with gold plated lobbyists. The Congressional credit card is smoking a metaphorical cigarette.

So fellow taxpayers let’s be on the lookout for an appropriate thank you card to our law makers. It would say…..

I’m not saying thanks as you fritter away
All my tax dollars and sink my payday
Just when we feel like we’re fiscally healing
I get mad as hell when you raise our debt ceiling.

The card would show Winnie the Pooh with a paw stuck in a honey pot that looks like Fort Knox. The bees buzzing around Winnie’s head are holding promissory notes for our future signed in invisible ink by so called fiscal conservatives.
A fiscal conservative in Washington is as rare as a timely contractor in Florida.

It’s like telling your kids that not only can they spend the entire summer at Euro-Disney, but to go ahead and invite all their classmates and their families, and by the way, fly first class and book Versailles. Don’t worry you’ll put it on the card.

The current debt ceiling of the United States is $16.394 trillion.
That ceiling, unlike the ceiling in your house is moveable. To put that in perspective that’s 345 gazillion squadrillion Renminbi, (The official currency of China) or about how much we owe them this week.
That’s when the proverbial ‘split hits the plan’ and Democrats and Republicans see if they can ‘compromise’
Instead of being the alcoholic who promises to sober up tomorrow, if you just let him keep drinking today.
But don’t worry, you’ll never get a bill for that amount, instead, the federal government uses your hard-earned money to pay interest on this debt, and you know what happens when you owe a bundle and only do a minimum payment; the principal never goes down.
There’s a joke about a person who couldn’t get any more face lifts so they got their body lowered and it gave me an idea. Instead of raising the debt ceiling we should lower the debt floor! With this concept Congress can sink to new lows every year. Sound familiar?

President Obama cuts White House chefs in effort to show he’s trimming his house budget, starts eating in local cafeterias.