The UN fights obesity with bugs

Want to help fight obesity? The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has a great idea for you to chew on.

Eating more insects would not only fight world hunger but have an added benefit of helping to steer teenagers away from Doritos and Mountain Dew if they could get beyond the vomiting from chewing dung beetles.

The report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says that eating insects could help boost nutrition. It admits a Snickers candy bar will do the same thing but will melt in your pocket while a grasshopper would not.

It will also reduce pollution since most insects are not sold in cans or plastic packaging so there’s no throwaway waste.

Their report says wasps, beetles and other insects are currently “under-utilized” as food except by contestants on the reality show ‘Fear factor.’

It credits the show for ‘breaking new ground’ to allay people’s fear of chewing on things they would normally call an exterminator for.

In a blind test nine out of 10 people preferred meatballs made from roughly half meat and half mealworms to those made from meat. They were immediately chosen to appear on the new reality show, ‘I don’t care what I put in my mouth.’

The UN was quick to say that “consumer disgust” remains a large barrier and that people should get past the question ‘do I step on it, or eat it?

The report notes that an economic boost to small entrepreneurs would be family run ‘insect farming’ which serves the niche market. That market has been described as not being one that is open 7 to 11.

The UN states that operating such a family insect farm could be as easy as not cleaning your kitchen and rounding up the cockroaches when you’re hungry. A simple frying pan smeared with leftover cricket and beetle from dinner will serve as a tasty breakfast casserole if covered quickly before the insects realize you’ve ‘turned up the heat’ under them.

It notes than over 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diet with insects and that the other 5 billion will not sit down to dinner with them.

Would you rather consume a winged termite or have them consume your house? It’s up to you.

It's cicada season at the local diner! Almost anything on rice looks good.
It’s cicada season at the local diner! Almost anything on rice looks good.

Someone call Bizarre Foods host Andrew Zimmern and tell him supper’s ready!