There comes a time in the lives of indignant citizens when they must stand up and make their voices heard. No one is listening to ‘Main Street’ and the middle class is shrinking faster than a cashmere sweater in a steam room. The acronym ‘C.R.A.P. stands for ‘Citizens Revolting Against Politicians’. I was in touch with the organizers and here’s what they had to say about C.R.A.P. “We believe the acronym speaks for itself, it’s all crap”. Citizens have lost their voice (And this is not due to laryngitis). Politicians have lost their ability to listen (Could be due to attention deficit syndrome) and speaking of the deficit, it’s time for politicians to stop blaming it on Social Security the elderly and the poor. The C.R.A.P. party is looking for like minded people who are fed up with the rhetoric. The C.R.A.P. party is like a huge colon cleansing for politicos who suffer from mental constipation. The C.R.A.P. party is an independent free thinking group who will keep their sense of humor while delivering their message. What is that message? “It’s all crap and its got to get cleaned up fast”
10 Top reasons for joining the C.R.A.P. party
1, You’re sick and tired of the same old crap coming out of Congress
2, If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry
3, It’s free
4, The middle class needs an advocate like you
5, The ‘job creators’ haven’t called you for your interview
6, Your home is in foreclosure and the bank won’t return your calls
7, That nest egg you’ve been sitting on is starting to rot
8,You’re pretty sure the Earth is older than 6,000 years
9, You’re not worried that Obama is a muslim, you’re worried he might be a Republican
10, It’s not the party of “No”, it’s not the party of “I don’t know”, it’s the party that says “It’s time to go!”
If you’re laughing, then at least some of this rings true. There are many of those in America who can’t laugh. They are the unemployed, the underemployed, the minimum wage worker who’s job has been shipped overseas and the families with a bare minimum or no health care at all. There are those on Social Security who are eking out an existence and many others who would love to join their voice with us but are spending all their time and energy keeping a roof over their head and watching helplessly as their middle class lives are sold down the river.
And who is doing this? Self serving politicians who can’t rise to the occasion as superior people should and represent all their constituents instead of practicing partisan politics as defined by thousands of lobbyists and passing laws that will put this country on an economically sound footing by helping the elderly, the infirm and those willing to work, not just doing the bidding of fat cats with deep pockets and agendas which undermine the very fabric of our society.
Be on the lookout for us in Coconut Grove on December 31st when the 30th anniversary edition of the satirical King Mango Strut parade takes to the streets.
Comment on this blog to be informed and maybe you too can be a part of, and hopefully full of C.R.A.P.