Take out the ‘IV’ and it’s a whole new themed cruise for Carnival

Was it corporate espionage? Were there disgruntled employees, or simply a couple of old lights that finally blinked out at precisely the right time? Any lights could have gone out in the sign, but with Carnival Cruise Line’s luck lately, it had to be these two.

When the sun finally goes down there’s no mistaking the message.

It shows you an example of ‘Murphy’s Law’ at work when the maintenance staff is off for the long July 4th holiday and the ‘IV’ in the sign on the side of their corporate headquarters goes out, it’s a whole new themed cruise!

Look honey, it's a 'two on one' special at carnal Cruises
Look honey, it’s a ‘two on one’ special at carnal Cruises

Get the staff ready to field all sorts of wild calls for bookings and someone please email the head of maintenance to get the big ladder out.