Romney/Ryan enter NYC Marathon

A late entry in the New York City marathon race this coming Sunday will be the team of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. A spokesperson for the campaign says, “We have appealed to the race committee for the Romney/Ryan team to be running on the far right hand side of wherever the race goes. Any left turns will not count in any way toward their finish in this race. They’ll be accepting donations along the way to be stored in a cart pulled by their wives.”
Romney, “I feel like I’ve been in a marathon for the presidency ever since I left that State where I was the Governor, so I feel confident. We had asked Chris Christie of New Jersey to be an honorary member of the team but since he’s been ‘buddying up’ to President Obama we decided to‘Un-Friend’ him. That’s a weight off our shoulders.”

“…and we’ll be running in ties, that will be a handicap but we want to be fair to the other runners”