Ocean warming trends: more than meets the eye?

Is global warming the answer to the record levels of temperatures reached by the world’s oceans? Maybe not!
The average world-wide water temperature has reached a record of 62.6 degrees according to records kept by the National Climatic Data Center. Why?
Miami and Fort Lauderdale beaches are a magnet and the sun and fun centers for tourists and locals alike. During the ‘season’ they arrive on the shore and stake out their territory on our beaches and swim in our waters.
Lately, vacation habits have confirmed what we already know. Businesses have learned to get by on less and as a result and employees are putting in more hours. Overworked and underpaid, they try to catch a day here and there to get some much needed relief from the daily grind.
It has brought tens, if not hundreds of millions to the world’s beaches for a quick and easy ‘stay-cation’. Hotels on these shores have suffered because day trips have dominated this flow of ‘stay-cationers’
Without a place to stay, tourists and locals alike have been relieving themselves in the oceans of the world en masse thus, to an extent, raising the temperature of the waters.
Despite pleas by scientists to ‘hold their water’ bathers are doing what they have done in pools forever.
Manatees are the only mammals that have not complained due to their proclivity for warm water. Whale squeaks may have finally been deciphered as “We don’t swim in your toilet, don’t pee in our ocean”.
Scientists say that if the temperature increase from this human activity continues, we might as well just kiss the ice bergs good-bye and move inland.

Photographic proof of 'Ocean peeing'   Scientists pout, "They're not even washing their hands"
Photographic proof of ‘Ocean peeing’
Scientists pout, “They’re not even washing their hands”