Historic ‘misdial’ as Obama reaches Iran President Rouhani

In the most historic phone call since Alexander Graham Bell called his assistant Watson and said “can you pick up some ‘Chinese’ on the way home?” President Obama accidentally speed dialed the cell phone of Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani who was on his way to the airport from his historic New York visit. The call went something like this:

Rouhani, “Hello?”

Obama, “Who’s this?”

R, “You called me”

O, “I was calling Joe Biden, look, is this a joke? Joe, are you impersonating Karzai again?”

R, “This sounds like the ‘Great Sata….I mean President Obama, or have I stumbled upon a Key and Peele sketch?”

O, “Yes, it’s me, but hold on, there’s another call coming in. Hello?”

NSA, “Michelle, do you know who you called? This could be really bad if it gets out.”
O, “No guys, it’s me, POTUS, I’m using Michelle’s cell, I kept getting solicitations on mine even though I was on the ‘Do not call’ list. Hold on.”

O, ‘You sound foreign, who is this?”

R, it’s me, Rouhani, I’m stuck in traffic on the way to the airport and the phone rang. Is that really you Barack?”

O, “Yes, I mis-dialed. But while I’ve got you on the line I wanted to say thank you for the combination fruit basket and phoney nuclear codes list. It was a riot. I had the C.I.A. going around in circles on that one.”

R, “You’re welcome, and thanks for getting us good rates at the Holiday Inn. My suite had running water and the wake-up call you arranged from Netanyahu was a bit of a surprise, but it did get me up and out of bed. You know, we could work together on this nuclear thing.”

O, “Don’t worry about that. My guys tell me you won’t be ready for a few years and by that time it will be Hillary’s problem.”

R, “you mean the Republicans have dug another hole for themselves?”

O, Yes, didn’t you hear Ted Cruz recite ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ during his achingly long talk?”

R, I’m sorry, did you say ‘ham’?

"Hello, is this the Dim Sum Yung Guy restaurant? I'd like an order to go"
“Hello, is this the Dim Sum Yung Guy restaurant? I’d like an order to go”

O, “yes……..hello?……hello?”