Florida distracted driver’s lane a reality?

The earth occupies a ‘sweet spot’ in our solar system which is not too close and not too far from our sun assuring us that life as we know it will continue. That includes any and all news that revolves around Justin Beiber.

We, as drivers, will now have to occupy that same type of space as we careen down the highways and byways of Florida. (Motto: No license, no problem)

A new law passed by the Florida legislature makes it illegal to drive slowly in the so called ‘fast’ lane. (Also known as the ‘I’m going as fast as I can but there’s always an idiot who needs to get ahead of me lane’)

This is just another assault on the typical Multi-tasking driver in South Florida.
Of course we can eat, drive and text at the same time! That’s a given. Now we have to watch our speed as well? Whoa!

If you are caught driving 10 mph under the speed limit in the fast lane, you could face a $60 fine under what’s being called the “road rage bill.”

There they go re-defining ‘road rage’. We know ‘road rage’. We wrote the book!

Going 10 mph under the limit doesn’t constitute ‘road rage’ we’ve just inadvertently slowed down to pick up that media noche’ sandwich and enjoy a leisurely lunch. The rage occurs when the pickles fall out of the damn thing and into our lap. We don’t need to explain what we’re doing when that happens. It doesn’t look good. It’s then that we speed up to make up the time.

Let’s lobby the legislature to provide a lane for those who have too many things to do. Call it the ‘Distracted Driver/Multi-Tasker lane’ and let us work it out.

Let's just mount some distractions on the dash board
Let’s just mount some distractions on the dash board

The lane may get crowded, and we may have issues with the other drivers, but we’ll be secure in the knowledge that at least for a short while we’ll be driving among our own; the many, the proud, the distracted.