Here’s what you can do to combat sea level rise.
Monday 10AM and On the Record and Off the Wall, a joltradio interview show with Buzz Fleischman welcomes Greg Hamra leading the Citizen’s Climate Lobby of Miami; ground zero for climate impact and sea level rise. He’ll discuss the boldest climate legislation ever introduced in Congress:

Citizen’s Climate Lobby is creating the political will for a livable world by empowering individuals to experience breakthroughs in exercising their personal and political power. Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change. Hear how you as a citizen can be involved in the biggest issue facing us as a planet and locally as the epicenter of sea level rise here in South Florida

Coming up on Monday January 20th we welcome Brenda Alford, a highly acclaimed singer and songwriter. A graduate of the University of Miami Frost School of Music, she has the distinction of being one of a very few vocalists ever to record with renown jazz legend Horace Silver on the esteemed Blue Note Record Label. Brenda has performed in a wide range of settings like schools, on college campuses, in intimate cafes and jazz lounges, church sanctuaries and large concert halls, such as the Delaware Grand Opera House and Baltimore’s Meyerhoff Symphony Hall. She most recently performed in concert with her own quartet at the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center

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