Hooray for America and grab the Pepto-Bismol®. 40,000 onlookers in Coney Island cheered Joey “Jaws” Chestnut at Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating championship, as he gorged his way into the history books of consumption winning his seventh consecutive competition by scarfing 69 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes, a new world record. BTW he also […]
Egyptian President Morsi Ousted In Military Coup
CAIRO, EGYPT – JULY 04: Egyptian opposition protesters celebrate in Tahrir Square, the day after former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, the country’s first democratically elected president, was ousted from power on July 4, 2013 in Cairo, Egypt. Adly Mansour, chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court, was sworn in as the interim head of state […]
Hot pastrami seen as downfall of Egypt’s Morsi
In a TV address to his nation, Egypt’s armed forces chief Gen. Abdul Fattah al-Sisi said the constitution had been suspended and the chief justice of the constitutional court would take over for ousted President Morsi. In a conciliatory statement al-Sisi said Morsi would be able to cash in all un-used sick days and vacation […]