Trans fat to be banned. Are you celebrating or shopping?

Attention fellow junk food junkies! Your FDA would like to ban artificial trans-fats from your food supply. After an extensive review the agency has decided that they should lose their “generally recognized as safe” status. Also losing the category of ‘generally recognized as safe’ is Michelle Bachmann, and any number of Congress-people who ‘know what’s […]

NSA “We think we spied on everybody’

The NSA has been netting millions of phone messages from all over the world and ‘harvesting’ them if they contain certain words or phrases. “This is easier than lying to Congress” a staffer said. The National Security Agency intercepted more than 70 million phone calls in France over a 30-day period. It found that the […]

Comcast subscribers may now have new options

Comcast is quietly promoting a new “Internet Plus” package for its broadband customers that will include Internet, some basic TV channels, plus HBO/HBO Go, for $40 or $50 per month. How did Comcast arrive at this low price point? Easy: Recycle! The basic TV channels will include reruns of ‘Celebrity Boxing’, ‘My Mother the Car’ […]

Comcast subscribers may now have new options

Comcast is quietly promoting a new “Internet Plus” package for its broadband customers that will include Internet, some basic TV channels, plus HBO/HBO Go, for $40 or $50 per month. How did Comcast arrive at this low price point? Easy: Recycle! The basic TV channels will include reruns of ‘Celebrity Boxing’, ‘My Mother the Car’ […]