With approval of marijuana usage by Americans at a new high, the government is ‘rolling a few’ for legal research projects. The Government’s ‘stash’ sits on a 12-acre fenced garden on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford. Needless to say, students line up for a chance at accumulating community service hours weeding […]
Pussy Riot “Too colorful for me” Putin says as he invades Crimea
The Russians held the world’s most expensive winter Olympics and, hungry for more publicity immediately invaded Crimea. (Believing any publicity is good publicity, just spell Putin right or spend your winter in the gulag) They haven’t paid for the Olympic Games and now they’re amassing huge debt for a war they didn’t start. We know […]
Disney cuts scout funds. Mickey: “It’s BS and I don’t mean boy scouting
The Walt Disney Company announced it will cut funding to the Boy Scouts of America beginning in 2015 because of a policy that bans gay adult leaders in the organization. Deron Smith, a Boy Scouts spokesman said, “This funding cut will impact our ability to serve kids. We believe every child deserves the opportunity […]
Will USA go ‘Bieberless’?
Rob Ford, the out of control Mayor of Toronto increased his 15 minutes of fame by sticking up for another headline-grabbing Canadian, Justin Bieber. Bieber who is now proud recipient of a now 100,000 signature on-line White House petition to deport him from the US, is tied neck and neck with Ford as the person […]