Is the USDA goin’ Hog **S wild?

Is this what they mean by ‘less government?’ The USDA instituted a meat inspection pilot program of speeding up the processing lines by 20%, halving the number of USDA safety inspectors and replacing them with private inspectors employed by meat companies. “Sort of like the Iranians inspecting their own nuclear facilities” said Bill ‘Ham-Hock’ Wilson, […]

Trump jury duty questionnaire revealed

In a triumphal return to his Presidential run, Donald trump was released from jury duty in NYC. Trump did not ask for a postponement, because serving jury duty is “the right thing to do.” But asked whether he hoped to get cut loose after only one day, he said: “I hope so I’ve got bigger […]

‘Foodies’ need not apply

Eating habits in the civilized world tend to be about the same with the exception of about a billion who eat bugs as a protein source. That’s as far from ‘safe food’ as China is from a clean atmosphere. By the time we get it, it’s homogenized, packaged and probably flash frozen with a beautiful […]

Dear 2,000 Flushes, I’d like a re-count

How do we, as alert consumers, really know that Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, is made with 4 cheeses? With all the ‘cutting back and downsizing’ how do we know it’s not just 3 cheeses? Where’s the quality control? Whose job is it to track the number of cheeses that go into the mix? For that […]