Sandwich in a can

The South Florida power grid is as fragile as Donald trump’s ego, which can mean a power outage after someone slams the FP&L door too hard.
When the power’s out after a storm and the fridge has been emptied into an ice filled cooler, it doesn’t take too long for the perishables to start getting soggy and unusable. Where’s that comfort food when you need it? That’s when nothing tastes better than a fresh peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or even a cinnamon roll with drizzle.
For those among us who can’t do without the basic necessities during an outage MARKONE foods has come up with a product that requires no refrigeration, has a long shelf life and satisfies that ‘junk food’ urge.
The ‘Candwich’ is a sandwich in a can. With a hurricane on the move, a palette of the product at a super-market could sell out faster than a politician with 2 kids in college.
For more than ten years Mark Kirkland, Candwich creator, has been perfecting the method of canning food and keeping it fresh. Not being able to throw away the ‘unusable product’ he has gained 327 pounds in the process and has dubbed himself the ‘Biggest thing in packaged foods’.
Having perfected the PB&J, he is branching out with a pizza pocket in a can (Heat it up on the dashboard) a cinnamon roll with drizzle and maybe even tuna fish with a packet of mayo.
Got me to thinking about what else would be useful to put in a can?
‘Cram-Wich; ‘It’s the college student’s pal’. When you pull an all-nighter before a big test, who has the time to come down from a beer high and go shopping for supplies? Just grab a ’Cram-Wich’ off your shelf. It contains a double shot of Red Bull or some No-Doz and the next day’s supply of Visine! It also includes a list of excuses you can utilize if you flunk the test yet want to plead your case with the professor for a passing grade.
Or get the new Strand-Wich. Stock them on your boat and if you’re going on a ‘3 hour cruise’ tape a half dozen cans to each life vest. These waterproof beauties contain a compass, smart phone with extra batteries, dehydrated water, sun block, a Swiss Army knife and a DVD of the series ‘Lost’. You may also want its product for pilots, the ‘Crash-land-Wich’. Upon impact, it delivers a corned beef on rye in the middle of a giant air bag.
Let’s say you’re out on the town, meet a girl (Or guy) and hit it off. The ‘Un-Planned-Wich contains a toothbrush, toothpaste, cologne; extra underwear and a ‘you know what’.

Marooned on a desert island? You’ll need these