North Korea: the continuing clusterf$%K

North Korea……. continued

In the wake of the North Korean hacking of Sony and the withdrawing of ‘The Interview’ a satirical comedy about that country’s dictator, the entire country of North Korea lost internet access. All 27 computers went down at once.

The only ones who noticed were members of Kim Jong-Un’s inner circle of ass kissers. When they complained, he had three of them imprisoned and the rest had their email passwords etched onto their foreheads as punishment.

The US Government, through a State department spokesperson said it was “Baffled by the turn of events, but happy the ‘little creep’ had the one moment of clarity in his life.

“I’ll tell you, it was more fun shutting down the North Korean internet than it is cutting class.“ said an un-named 12 year old middle school student from Sheboygan, Wisconsin early today, “I don’t even know where North Korea is. Me and my friends really wanted to see that movie on the big screen. Now we’ll have to hack Sony ourselves and download it onto a smart phone.

Hacking North Korea was easier than finding Waldo. We hacked into their military command center and when they follow the trail it will lead to Rupert Murdoch’s cell phone. I think we’ll get some kind of medal.”

A darkened North Korea at night with its 'night light' on
A darkened North Korea at night with its ‘night light’ on